Love. Kambo Detox Ceremony

Rs. 10,000.00
Rs. 10,000.00
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Kambo detox is a deep cleanse on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

3 hours ceremony

Eye discharge, chills, cramps, dizziness, numbness in the hands and physical weakness can occur symptomatically. In some cases someone might feel a need to cry in order to release emotional and energetic blockages. The symptoms might vary in quality and quantity depending on the individual, the area the medicine will work on and the dosage.
Usually the most intense part of the treatment will only take between 30 to 45 minutes and only in very few cases it might take a bit longer or a bit shorter.


The positive effects of the Kambo can sometimes be perceived straight after the treatment or in some cases it can take a day to feel an increased energy level, inner peace, clarity of mind and healing in the body. Some people report that their well-being improves from day to day, or in some cases that it even takes up to a week for an improvement to become noticeable and in some other cases it may take another session to reach the desired positive effect.


The effects of Kambo always differs depending on the person and intervals of treatment. Even though the effects of Kambo could sound unpredictable, it is best to keep in mind that it knows exactly what it does, where it needs to begin the process, how long it will take and what is necessary for the patient.


When taken with an experienced practitioner trained by a shaman Kambo is very safe, although in some very rare cases the immune system may first drop down and the cleansing process may continue for a couple of days before one would experience the beneficial feelings of the medicine. This may happen after a very intense cleanse or when there is a more serious illness to heal.
In some cases, especially when one is having low blood pressure, the person may faint during the session and this is why it is necessary to provide a safe space for the treatment as well as having an experienced person to facilitate the healing.
All in all, you will go through a short "discomfort" during the treatment and excrete a lot of toxins through all pores. Even though you might feel weak after this process you will recover quickly.

How Often To Take Kambo?

This can be very individual depending on the persons needs and the health situation, so it is necessary to have a talk with the practitioner prior to the treatment.
It is recommended to use Kambo more often than once, because Kambo cleanses layers after layers each time. There are several ways how Kambo can be taken and they may vary from different tribes and practitioners, for example it can be taken in the form of a “Dieta”, for several days in a row (especially when dealing with bigger issues), once a week, three times in a lunar cycle (28 days), for new moon or similar. In this way you reconnect to the previous treatment and experience an even deeper cleansing. In many cases you have to increase the dosage if the intervals between the treatments are short because Kambo stays in the system for some time carrying on its work. In case of a long interval between the treatments it is recommended to start again with a smaller dose and very often one will feel intuitively when it is the right time for the next Kambo treatment.

The Kambo secretion based on human use was first researched and described by western scientists John Daly, Vittorio Erspamer and their team, published in 1992.
Vittori Erspamer already published an article based on his studies of peptides in Phyllomedusa skin “a huge factory and store-house of active peptides” in 1985.
These bioactive peptides are also the reason why the pharmaceutical industry is so interested in it, and developing a new medication from one of the peptides could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. There are already some patents existing on some of the peptides.

Here are some of the peptides found in the secretion:
adenoregulins, bradykinins, tachykinins, caerulein, sauvagine, tryptophyllins, deltorphins, dermaseptins, dermorphins, phyllocaeruleın and bombesins.
More information about the scientific research can be fund here:'sapo'_from_the_frog_Phyllomedusa_bicolor_skin_ A_drug_used_by_the_Peruvian_Matses_Indians_in_shamanic_hunting_practice


Kambo detox is a deep cleanse on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual body.

3 hours ceremony

Eye discharge, chills, cramps, dizziness, numbness in the hands and physical weakness can occur symptomatically. In some cases someone might feel a need to cry in order to release emotional and energetic blockages. The symptoms might vary in quality and quantity depending on the individual, the area the medicine will work on and the dosage.
Usually the most intense part of the treatment will only take between 30 to 45 minutes and only in very few cases it might take a bit longer or a bit shorter.


The positive effects of the Kambo can sometimes be perceived straight after the treatment or in some cases it can take a day to feel an increased energy level, inner peace, clarity of mind and healing in the body. Some people report that their well-being improves from day to day, or in some cases that it even takes up to a week for an improvement to become noticeable and in some other cases it may take another session to reach the desired positive effect.


The effects of Kambo always differs depending on the person and intervals of treatment. Even though the effects of Kambo could sound unpredictable, it is best to keep in mind that it knows exactly what it does, where it needs to begin the process, how long it will take and what is necessary for the patient.


When taken with an experienced practitioner trained by a shaman Kambo is very safe, although in some very rare cases the immune system may first drop down and the cleansing process may continue for a couple of days before one would experience the beneficial feelings of the medicine. This may happen after a very intense cleanse or when there is a more serious illness to heal.
In some cases, especially when one is having low blood pressure, the person may faint during the session and this is why it is necessary to provide a safe space for the treatment as well as having an experienced person to facilitate the healing.
All in all, you will go through a short "discomfort" during the treatment and excrete a lot of toxins through all pores. Even though you might feel weak after this process you will recover quickly.

How Often To Take Kambo?

This can be very individual depending on the persons needs and the health situation, so it is necessary to have a talk with the practitioner prior to the treatment.
It is recommended to use Kambo more often than once, because Kambo cleanses layers after layers each time. There are several ways how Kambo can be taken and they may vary from different tribes and practitioners, for example it can be taken in the form of a “Dieta”, for several days in a row (especially when dealing with bigger issues), once a week, three times in a lunar cycle (28 days), for new moon or similar. In this way you reconnect to the previous treatment and experience an even deeper cleansing. In many cases you have to increase the dosage if the intervals between the treatments are short because Kambo stays in the system for some time carrying on its work. In case of a long interval between the treatments it is recommended to start again with a smaller dose and very often one will feel intuitively when it is the right time for the next Kambo treatment.

The Kambo secretion based on human use was first researched and described by western scientists John Daly, Vittorio Erspamer and their team, published in 1992.
Vittori Erspamer already published an article based on his studies of peptides in Phyllomedusa skin “a huge factory and store-house of active peptides” in 1985.
These bioactive peptides are also the reason why the pharmaceutical industry is so interested in it, and developing a new medication from one of the peptides could be worth hundreds of millions of dollars. There are already some patents existing on some of the peptides.

Here are some of the peptides found in the secretion:
adenoregulins, bradykinins, tachykinins, caerulein, sauvagine, tryptophyllins, deltorphins, dermaseptins, dermorphins, phyllocaeruleın and bombesins.
More information about the scientific research can be fund here:'sapo'_from_the_frog_Phyllomedusa_bicolor_skin_ A_drug_used_by_the_Peruvian_Matses_Indians_in_shamanic_hunting_practice


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